Jeanne: One little tooth leads to a big new smile
Jeanne's big problem came from just one little tooth that prevented her front teeth from coming in properly. Even though she had a crown put on it, her teeth didn't match and her smile was flawed. Jeanne isn't a person who cares all that much about what others think, but it bothered her personally – it prevented her from feeling comfortable when she smiled and especially when she laughed, and she loves to laugh. So…little tooth, big problems!
Jeanne's dentist recommended e.max® to correct her smile. He explained how e.max bonds to the natural teeth and that it is a strong, durable product. So she decided to have e.max veneers applied to her top teeth along with work done to her gums, and now has a dazzling smile. She loves it so much, that she is planning on more dental work on her bottom teeth to complete her metal-free e.max smile. Jeanne pronounces proudly, "When I open my mouth or have a full smile, you won't be able to see any silver!"
Pretty. Confident.
Jeanne feels so much more confident and self-assured with e.max. She's surprised that people noticed the improvement in her appearance, even though they don't always notice the dental work. People comment on how pretty she looks, notice that something in her appearance has changed, and have even asked if she's had a facelift! "No, it was just my teeth," Jeanne says with a grin.
Jeanne has a small cleaning business in Utah, so she isn't dressed to the max each day, but a little makeup and her e.max smile makes her feel polished. She's a down-to-earth, genuine person, and her new smile reflects the person she is inside.
E.max has given Jeanne a boost to her confidence. She believes that her new attitude is making others happy as well. Jeanne did an experiment one day where she smiled at everyone she saw. Jeanne explains, "You can't go wrong if you smile at somebody."
At first, they gave her a small smile back, not knowing if she was smiling at them, but once they realized her smile was for them, they would brighten and smile widely back. Without a word, Jeanne's e.max smile made a positive impact on each person that day. But, most importantly, e.max has made an enormous impact on Jeanne herself.