Calculate Your Savings

Current Indirect Business

Enter Restorations/Prostheses Monthly Cases

Impression Material and Shipping

Enter Your Cost Per Case

$ .00

Lab Discounts

-- OR --
$ .00


Remakes Per Year

Estimated Reduction in Remakes

$ .00

Please fill out the following form and then calculate your savings.

This VivaScan Savings Calculator attempts to analyze the potential time and cost savings when purchasing and utilizing a VivaScan system and associated digital tools and workflows. The use of the VivaScan Savings Calculator is only intended to provide a time and cost estimation. A number of other factors may affect your actual savings, and some factors included in this calculator may not apply to your situation, and actual savings may differ for each customer. These calculators are designed to be informational and educational tools only, and should not be relied upon as a guarantee of savings. Ivoclar is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.